Hi, I'm Pranava
Hi, I'm Pranava

With over 7 years of experience crafting intuitive, accessible, elegant, and fun products, I currently work at Intercom. Previously, I worked at Microsoft and Adobe.

As a Senior Product Designer, I have a knack for diving headfirst into complex problems and coming up with customer-centric solutions that make everyone wonder, "Why didn't I think of that?" I thrive on collaborating with cross-functional teams, and I've been told that my enthusiasm and positive energy are contagious (in a good way, I promise!). I'm always striving to push the boundaries of what's possible in design, but I'll admit, sometimes my attention to detail can border on obsessive – I've been known to lose sleep over a misaligned pixel or two.

When I'm not geeking out over design systems or conducting user research, you can find me stepping up to the plate and taking on additional responsibilities. I've been called a "force of nature" for my ability to drive projects forward, but I like to think of myself as more of a gentle breeze (with occasional gusts of hurricane-force winds).

At the end of the day, I'm just a designer who loves creating products that make people's lives a little bit easier and a whole lot more delightful.

If you ever find yourself in need of a designer who can sprinkle a little humour, add a pinch of humility, and create a whole lot of design magic, you know where to find me!

© Pranava Tandra 2024